Digital Art, a New GenreFeatured

Written by Nilanjan Das
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I have titles floating around in my head; I have sculptures floating around in my head. It's like a collage.

it is all about, but the programmes allow an entirely new language with an infinite scope of mechanical tools. But it is up to the designer to make use of it. And the catch is that there are no footsteps to follow

He takes inspiration form internationally renowned English artist, entrepreneur, and art collector Damien Steven Hirst, who is undoubtedly one of the most influential artists of his generation. His groundbreaking works include The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991), a shark in formaldehyde; Mother and Child Divided (1993) a four-part sculpture of a bisected cow and calf; and For the Love of God (2007), a human skull studded with 8,601 diamonds. In addition to his installations and sculptures, Hirst’s Spot paintings and Butterfly paintings have become universally recognized.

Digital form of art is contemporary and cutting-edge. It is a new trend where one can experiement a lot and also use the digital tools to express themselves. The audiences have welcome the change and art is now global. Artists have broken the mould of conventional ideas and floated into a new sphere of creativity.

The term ‘computer art’ refers neither to a specific style nor to a particular quality, it merely characterizes the instrumentarium. The computer proves to be a universal dataprocessing system, the invention and development of which came to be linked with technological considerations solely for historical reasons. Under different circumstances, the computer might equally well have been invented as an instrument of art, e.g. in the socio-political environment of ancient Greece, where art as well as science and technology was considered a noble pastime.

In the most general sense of the term, art can be regarded as a special form of communication. It is the task of the artist to provide a message, which in this particular case is also subject to certain esthetic considerations, however they may be defined. Formerly, colors, sounds and tones were regarded as the raw material of art; today they would be considered information carriers. The elements of art are data, i.e. immaterial components. Even though this statement may sound rather sober, it does imply that art is not a material but rather an intellectual process.

The means of expression of an artist are adapted to the faculties of human perception. Complex patterns are perceptible only via the eye or the ear, thus making music, poetry and the visual arts in all their combinations and variations the most sophisticated areas of artistic activity.

A statement on computer-assisted visual arts that is often meant as a criticism is true: basically every static image presented on the monitor could also have been created in a conventional manner, the only difference being the time needed to produce it.

Therefore, the significance of computer graphics lies only in animation. This, too, is an important aspect. While conventionally produced images can hardly be put into motion, the computer lends itself almost naturally to this possibility. This is largely due to the possibility of constructing single frames within seconds, which is easy when high resolution is not required.

Talking about the challenges in the artworld, Das reflects, “The more flexible illustrations pose even greater challenge. Here what is required is creatively cooking up images using the modern tools.

Nilanjan’s choice of digital art is because of the enhancement of technology and a firm belief that it is the future. He dreams of creating a digital art-ring where people from different sections of digital art interact to give this art form newer perspective. Currently he plans to set up a studio of his own, which would cater to all the forms of digital art, from animation to digital painting.

Work everyday provides new vistas of creativity. From the tiny little heading design to two-page illustrations, Nilanjan is ready to put in his best at everything. No wonder that he can do with only six hours of sleep — for him work is more than a profession — it is life.

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