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Mastering the technique of manifestation and deliberate creation can give you all that you ask for

The world I live in is only my reflection. I can’t change the reflection to make it (the world) appear beautiful. I will have to change myself to change the reflection.

Everything around you is energy. If you understand this, you can create anything by manipulating this energy. Even your thoughts are nothing but powerful waves of psychic energy, and thus, you can create anything in your life with your thoughts, provided they are fuelled with your deepest desires and focused intentions.

The great physicist Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Let me share with you my experience to back this theory. It was 1992, and I had just started my career, working in a garment factory. Like any other young man of my age, I dreamed of a successful life. One day, my general manager sent me on an assignment to Noida to visit a factory in Surajpur. Back then, Noida was not a developed area as it is now. I got on my motorbike and drove down towards Surajpur, crossing vast stretches of barren lands. All of a sudden, something caught my attention and I slowed down as I crossed a large property, a little off the main road. I still don’t know what made me stop. The minute I saw a huge factory there, I felt a strong urge to own it. So strong was the urge that it left me surprised. After that day, I started thinking and visualising the factory every single waking moment of my life. At the same time, I also knew that even if I saved my whole life’s earnings, I would not be able to afford it; but that did not deter me from dreaming about it. I was somehow convinced that it would come to me. This obsession continued for about a year and gradually I forgot about it.

Few years later, I fell in love with a lovely woman and after three years of courtship, we decided to get married. A few days prior to the wedding, my father-in-law called me to his office and said he wanted to gift me something. I was absolutely dumbfounded when we drove into the same factory and he told me that this was his gift for me – the very same factory I had dreamt of owning!

It was much later in my life that I realised how the clarity and focus of intention and the intensity of my desire had imbedded deep in my subconscious mind. It may have appeared to me I had forgotten about it, but it was such a deep one that it got manifested into reality. The universe had made it happen for me. I had created my own reality. Warning: Don’t misunderstand me here and start thinking of owning what belongs to someone else.

Inspirational speakers and authors Jerry and Esther Hicks have beautifully summarised the essence of manifestation and deliberate creation thus: “If you have the ability to imagine it, or even to think about it, this Universe has the ability and the resources to deliver it fully unto you, for this universe is like a well-stocked kitchen with every ingredient imaginable at your disposal.”

The first step in manifesting or deliberate creation is to know what you really want. We need to clarify our goals and set out an intention. Setting an intention is like placing an order to the universe. It is similar to going to a restaurant and ordering from the menu card. We often think that we know what we want, but when we delve deeper, we find we are confused about our goals and desires. To help you in this process, I recommend you ask yourself what you want and write down the details. Then, ask yourself why you want them. Once you sort that out, you can be assured of your real goals and desires. Once you set a clear intention, the process of manifesting gets rolling.

We all are aware of the Law of Attraction that says that what we focus on gets delivered to us. This law is true for both positive and negative things. At times, when we worry about a particular situation and have negative thoughts, it comes true in reality. But one might ask, can we attract our desires merely by holding positive thoughts? Yes, although there is another law, besides the Law of Attraction, which comes into play to effectively manifest our desires and co-create our lives of our dreams. This is the Law of Vibration; it is the power behind manifesting our desires. It is in applying the Law of Vibration that most of us fail and are unable to manifest.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, tangible or intangible, comprises of pure energy that resonates at a particular vibration. These vibrations will set up resonance with whatever possesses the identical frequency. In other words, your thoughts are inseparably connected to the rest of the universe.

Therefore, in order to be deliberate creators, it is important to consciously choose your thoughts and increase your vibrations. By increasing your vibrations, you are paving the way for the alignment process to deliver your desires.

The next step in manifesting is aligning with your desires and trusting that what you desire have already manifested.

Everything before being manifesting in the physical reality, manifests in the etheric realm first. Our physical reality is an echo of what happens in the etheric realm. So when you act in this manner, you release the resistance and by releasing the resistance, a space is created for the universe to deliver the goodies.

Here are some steps to become a powerful manifestor and deliberate creator:

  • Set out your intentions. Ask yourself what you want and why you want it. Write it down. Thoughts expressed in written word have tremendous power. When you are writing it, you are reinforcing it.
  • Raise your vibrations and feel good. This is the key to achieve your desires in an effortless, easy and fast manner. You need to create an internal vibrational alignment with what you want. In simple words, you need to feel good in the “now”.
  • Act as if your object of desire is already here. Use all your five senses of sight, touch, listen, smell, and thought to participate in the process. To manifest something into your life needs a lot of detailing. You should be able to detail out each and every minute thing of your desire, at least 36 of them. Keep that image in your mind, frame it and visualise it as much as you can.
  • Trust and let go of the doubts. When you doubt the process of manifesting, you give in to the energy of negative thinking.
  • Express gratitude in your daily life and be grateful for all the things you have in your life and for those blessings that are coming into your life.
  • Meditate on your desires, ask for guidance from your higher self and act on those guidance, ideas, intuitions and inspirations. Don’t doubt them.

Happy Manifesting!

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