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Warren Buffet just turned 87. Hailed as one of the best investors of all time, he has earned the affectionate nickname, the “Oracle of Omaha”, in a nod to his foresight in business and his hometown.

Warren Buffet was born to be a businessman. Stories abound about his uncanny ways to make money since he was a little boy. Clearly, he was an unusual child. He found ways to make a nickel since very young. When he was just six, Buffet made his first stash – by selling packs of Juicy Fruit, Spearmint and Doublemint for five cents apiece.

Warren seemed to be obsessed with numbers and calculations since childhood. Back in his hometown church in Omaha, he in fact calculated the lifespans of people who composed hymns. His official biography, The Snowball: Warren Buffet and the Business of Life, is full of such stories, detailing the making of a legend from a very young age.

He began dreaming up money-making endeavours from the time he was 6, and he hoarded his earnings. He would look at a dollar but saw the $10 it would eventually become when compounded. (He held off on major philanthropy until late in his life, ostensibly for that reason.) At 14, he made enough money delivering newspapers to file a $7 tax return. He deducted his watch and bicycle as business expenses

He's also always been an investor. Buffett, who grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, bought his first stock when he was 11, in the summer of 1942. (That means now, at 87, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway has been on the market for 76 years.)

When he was 13, Buffett took a job delivering copies of the Washington Post and tracked when homes along his routes had magazine subscriptions that were expiring. He would sell them new subscriptions. By the time he was 15, he had made $2,000 with his media distribution business and invested $1,200 of that in a 40-acre farm where he had a profit-sharing agreement with a Nebraskan farmer, writes Schroeder.

In his youth, Buffett also had other entrepreneurial schemes to make money: He bought used golf balls for $3.50 and sold them for $6; he rummaged through discarded horse race betting tickets searching for winners to turn them in for the payout; he sold collectible stamps, buffed cars and bought and installed pinball machines in local hairdressers, taking a cut of the profits.

By Warren Buffett’s own admission, his time and place of birth contributed to his success — in the past eight decades, the United States has gone from strength to strength, growing from a $91.2 billion economy in 1930 to $15.7 trillion in 2012.

Buffett explains this in The Snowball. “Imagine there are two identical twins in the womb, both equally bright and energetic. And the genie says to them, ‘One of you is going to be born in the United States, and one of you is going to be born in Bangladesh. And if you wind up in Bangladesh, you will pay no taxes. What percentage of your income would you bid to be the one that is born in the United States?’ It says something about the fact that society has something to do with your fate and not just your innate qualities. The people who say, ‘I did it all myself,’ and think of themselves as Horatio Alger — believe me, they’d bid more to be in the United States than in Bangladesh. That’s the ovarian lottery.” Buffett says the fact that he was born in 1930 in the United States as a white male was winning the ovarian lottery. “I had all kinds of luck… I’ve had it so good in this world, you know. The odds were 50-to-one against me being born in the United States in 1930. I won the lottery the day I emerged from the womb by being in the United States instead of in some other country where my chances would have been way different.”

The Senior Buffet

Warren’s father Howard Buffett was instrumental in shaping his values, building on the mid-Western culture of modesty and humility. Buffett Sr, a stockbroker who later ran successfully for Congress, was a man of high integrity. In the year after he was voted into power, the government announced a pay hike, which he refused. When his father got to Washington, he returned the pay increase to the Treasury saying he was elected at the old pay and he was not going to take the pay increase. Integrity and humility are two virtues Warren Buffett, too, embodies.

Graham, The Guru

Buffett went to Columbia University for his Master's degree after he read Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor at the Omaha public library when he was 19. Also called the ‘father of value investing’, Graham coined the term ‘margin of safety’, which became the bedrock of the value investing philosophy and also the foundation for Buffett’s investing framework. Over the years, while Buffett has developed his own distinct philosophy,he has not deviated from the underlying principle of buying an asset at a substantial discount to its intrinsic worth as preached by Graham. Buffett also worked in Graham’s partnership firm, GrahamNewman Corporation, between 1954 and 1956 before setting up his own partnership. He calls The Intelligent Investor the best book he has ever read and still considers it a must-read for every investor.

Changing course

After an extremely successful stint at the Buffett Partnership, Buffett decided to close down the partnership and return the money to investors in 1969. Despite his fabulous performance, he took this bold decision citing “inability to find bargains in the current market”. He liquidated all shares held by the partnership, except Berkshire Hathaway, a textile company he had systematically taken control of. Buffett qualifies his purchase of Berkshire as the “dumbest” stock he ever bought but then turned it into his famed investment vehicle. When Buffett bought into Berkshire, its textiles business was ailing, but he managed to revive the company under the able stewardship of CEO, Ken Chace. But Buffett also read correctly the winds of change affecting the textiles business, so he quickly changed direction and invested its cash flows into other, more lucrative businesses, including insurance.

The power of float

In 1967, Buffett bought into an insurance company called National Indemnity at a substantial premium to the prevailing market price. He thought of insurance as a business that provided “free” cash to invest as long as the firm did not make any underwriting loss. Using the insurance structure as his investment vehicle is really Buffett’s masterstroke as it provided an implicit leverage without the firm having to actually borrow any money, bolstering overall returns. This “float” is estimated to have added nearly a third to Berkshire’s annual returns.

The right partner

Charlie Munger, vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has been Buffett’s partner and confidante for 54 years. Munger was instrumental in making Buffett see the merits of focusing on high-quality companies and paying up for it.

Munger meeting Buffett was pure serendipity. Buffett’s neighbour Dorothy Davis and her doctor husband were impressed enough to ante $100,000 when Buffett started his investing sojourn. Dr Davis felt Buffett’s temperament was uncannily like that of Munger and finally introduced the two at a dinner party in 1959. From there on, the two communicated regularly, sharing investing ideas and even ended up holding the same companies in their portfolios. Writer Janet Lowe says, “They hit it off instantly because they both have a take-quick-action kind of brain.” The association was finally cemented in 1978 when Munger became BRK vice-chairman and then chairman of Wesco Financial in 1984. Before they joined forces on Buffett’s insistence, both managed money separately.

Quality over numbers

See’s Candies, a California-based candy company, was the landmark investment that marked the departure of Buffett from a purely quantitative process that Graham advocated a quality-focused approach — the concept of ‘moat’, in Buffett parlance. Buffett bought the company on Munger’s recommendation, at a price far higher than what he had paid for any stock till then. He paid $25 million, or 6X operating income, in 1972

Giving back

But Buffet was to run one of the biggest philanthropist of our time. He made a fortune from his uncanny ability to read the market, yet he has been canny enough to give away 98 per cent of his fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He is quite philosophical when it comes to money as he puts in The Snowball, “Wealth is just a bunch of claim checks on the activities of others in the future. You can use that wealth in any way that you want to. You can cash it in or give away.” That, in short, is Warren Buffet for you.

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